Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Electronic Voice Phenomonon is a message from the other side that is recorded on electronic medium. Digital voice recorders are often used. It is thought that background noise or white noise is used by the spirit to form the message.
I haven't yet tried this myself but plan to do so in the near future. When practicing this method it's important to center oneself and ask for the white light of protection to surround you and that you only will receive messages from those who work toward the higher good. It is thought when using this method or others like it that you'll attract the energy you're putting out. In other words, if you're working in fear you'll attract the negative.
Select a time and place to conduct the exercise. Ask for protection and proceed. Some believe spirits are immediately drawn to the electronic device and may speak immediately when it's turned on so give yourself a few seconds of blank tape. After a pause of a few seconds introduce yourself and begin asking questions giving a few seconds between each question to allow spirit communication to take place. It has been suggested that you meditate or pray about your upcoming session and invite your loved ones to meet you at the specified time to send you their message.
As with anything else you can get as fancy as you want. Software exists to filter recorded messages.
Messages tend to be of a few words. Sounds within an EVP may vary in pitch and speed.
If you've got experience with EVPs I'd love for you to share them. I'll let you know what I've come up with when I give the procedure a try.
- bethany moran
NOTE: After writing this post I continued to search online for EVP clips. Some are notoriously difficult to hear but a few were quite clear and some of those actually gave me chills. It's interesting to note that while I listened to the clips one of my dogs came running up to me and she reacted to the same clips that gave me the chills. For some time afterward she stared at something over my head that I couldn't see. It always makes me curious when animals engage in this behavior. Now, I'm curious as to what she saw and heard.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Full Moon

The moon holds sway over the tides. Some say it has other influence in our lives.
For centuries crops have been planted according to the phases of the moon for optimum harvest.
Anecdotal evidence from police officers show crimes increase with a full moon. My mother is a retired registered nurse who say the full moon had an affect on patients. It is believed they bleed heavier or take a turn for the worse. It's also believed there's an increase in mortality during the full moon.
In our own lives it's clear that humans act strangely during the full moon. When drivers are acting particularly erratic, I check on the moon. If you work with the public it seems the kooky people come out with the full moon.
The next time the full moon rolls around check out the people you deal with.
- bethany moran

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Other Side

I wonder what it's like on the other side of the veil? I don't believe it's a physical plane, rather a gathering of energy and emotions. I don't believe humans retain their human form once they pass over. When those who've passed show themselves to us in their human form I believe they do so as a frame of reference so we recognize them. Time exists on the other side but I don't know what form. Do years, generations, decades pass as moments? Do all events take place in one continuim?
When I've been visited from the other side I've been given a vision of what I believe heaven looks like. I saw rolling hills with the greenest grass and majestic trees. Flowers of colors that are indescribable on earth swayed in a warm breeze. The sky was azure blue, though that doesn't describe it well at all. Still, I think this is merely a representation so I can equate the tableau as heaven.
I believe in the collective consciousness. In this model we find a resevoir of universal knowledge. To this end I believe that if we've lived in the light when we pass to the other side we are then all-knowing.
One haunting experience I've had is the sounds of music and partying that appear to be coming from another room. Yet when the room is explored it is found to be empty. My daughter said this is what the other side sounds like. A nonstop party? Sounds good to me.
- bethany moran

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Auntie Clair

There are many forms of "clair" psychic abilities. Clair is derived from the Latin word for clear. The remaining part of the word, such as clairvoyance, voyance = vision described the type of clearness one's receiving.
Those who are clairvoyant have clear vision of events that have happened or will happen. This is probably the most well known of the clairs. When I receive a visitation of someone who has passed I see a two-dimensional image in my mind. The flickering image reminds me of that from a film projector.
Clairsencient individuals have "clear sensing." They feel the physical sensation associated with a past or future event. Often psychics who work on criminal cases tell of feeling pain in the head of a victim who was shot in the head.
Clairaudience is "clear hearing." Some mediums are clairudient in that they hear the voices of those on the other side.
I am most familiar with claircognizance - knowledge that's acquired intrinsically or when you know something without knowing how or why you know it. This is the primary way I receive psychic information. The information just "pops" into my head so to speak.
Clairalience is the clear sensing of smell. This is often referred to in hauntings where the person experiencing the haunting smells roses or cigar smoke. I have a friend on the other side who announces themselves with marijuana smoke, which has never been in the home where I live. Someone else comes through with the scent of a freshly lit cigarette.
Clairgustance is clear tasting. The most common report I have heard of clairgustance is when a psychic reports tasting blood in relation to someone who's passed.
Auntie Clair has many incarnations. Maybe you didn't know the name of what your experience was in the past. I hope I've given a name to the information you receive psychically.
- bethany moran

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There was once a television program about psychic abilities in which scientists tested psychics and gave their explanations about why there was no such thing as psychic abilities. My favorite quotation came from a scientist who claimed the psychics weren't receiving information from some unknown external source but, instead, were reading the mind of the participants. I clearly remember thinking, does she realize what she just said? She just said there is no scientific basis for ESP but she believed the psychic used TELEPATHY to obtain informaiton. No basis on paranormal abilities except to say there was a basis for mind reading, which many believe to be a paranormal ability.
My husband and I frequently practice sending messages to each other telepathically. To us it's a fun game to see if we can influence the other party to respond in the way we've predicted.
I think telepathy is the force in play when we're thinking about someone and they call us on the phone. I think it's in play for people with long standing relationships because they connect on a deeper level than others in our lives.
- bethany moran

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Extra Sensory Perception

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is knowledge or perception without use of the five senses. Familiar terms that are often interchanged with ESP are sixth sense, gut instinct, hunch, (women's) intuition. I believe everyone possesses ESP abilities. Accessing them comes naturally to some, others need to cultivate them through opening ourselves via means such as meditation.
Many people report precognitive experiences, as in dreams that foretell a future event. The most notable precognitive dream I had as a teen was one that foretold a friend's upcoming brush with the law. I told the person it related to about the dream and the event did take place. I was then blamed for "informing" on them to authorities. My first lesson in keeping my experiences to myself! Although now I'm in a place where I feel safe to divulge any such information IF I feel the parties involved are receptive.
Our sixth sense, gut instinct, hunches, women's intuition, even the small voice within that warns us to take a different action than that we are contemplating can guide us wisely through life. Women are notoriously gifted with intuition. My mother and I and my duaghter and I are quite connected. Often one calls the other only to hear the person on the other end of the line say "I was just picking up the phone to call you." A humerous incident is the fact that often when I speak to my daughter, even though we are two states apart, is to learn we're preparing the same menu for supper.
Whenever I go against the small voice inside me or my intuition I'm usually met with less than desireable results. Now, I know the benefit of listening to my intuition and no longer allow my human nature to stand in the way of decisions
- bethany moran

Friday, February 13, 2009


For general meditation I stretch out on the bed, arms at my sides. I say a prayer asking God to surround me with the white light of protection to keep me from unwittingly inviting negative energies. In the darkened room I close my eyes and take several deep breaths, inhaling through my nose, holding the breath and blowing out slowly through my mouth. The most difficult part of the practice comes next as I clear my mind. This may take some practice. However, I visualize erasing a blackboard to a clean slate. If distracted by intrusive thoughts bring yourself back into the now by allowing yourself to release the distractions.
Beginning at my toes I tighten and relax muscle groups up through my body, breathing slow deliberate breaths all the while. Next, in my mind's eye I take myself to a place of natural beauty to further clear my mind and deepen my relaxed state. For me, this usually includes a flowing stream or other body of water. I place myself entirely in the beautiful scene, experiencing warmth, sunshine, the sound of the water. As I become more relaxed the scene fades to black and I reach what I feel is almost a trance like state. In this state I am open to any messages that I may need to learn. After some time, it may be a few minutes or nearly an hour, I bring myself back into the awareness of the now.
In the deeply meditative state I may find I've received an auditory message though it's much more likely that I receive images. Similar to analyzing dreams I note symbolism received during meditation. At this point it may help to write out what was seen or heard during the relaxed state. With practice the meaning of the message you received should become clear.
Reach deep within yourself during meditation and you may be able to find the answers to questions present in your life.
- bethany moran

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Edgar Cayce

I've always been fascinated by Edgar Cayce. He was born and raised in rural Kentucky in 1877 to a humble family. Early on he had psychic experiences that led him to become a prolific psychic reader. As a child he spoke to his late grandfather's spirit and had many "imaginary" friends who were from the Other Side. A fascinating ability was to place a book under his pillow and absorb the material within it.
Mr. Cayce put himself into trance states he likened to falling asleep. During these trances he was able to read individuals whether present or not. These readings often centered on the health of the subject. Accessing a vast resevoir of records available to him in another realm allowed him to create health care programs for those being read. Often, the holistic approaches to these queries were counter to modern medicine, but were curative nonetheless. Edgar Cayce also explored topics such as the lost world of Atlantis and foretelling future events. All of which he had no recollection of when he came out of trance.
How does one come to be blessed with these abilities? Are we all able, as I believe, to tap into a universal consciousness? I suspect very few individuals are able to reach his level of psychic awareness, however, with practice we are able to reach out to planes of existence other than the one in which we live. If you don't already practice meditation, I urge you to do so. With practice it is possible to take yourself to a trance state. Once there you will be open to the wisdom of the ages.
- bethany moran

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reconciling Duality

To me, duality is the separation or difference between the light and the dark, between this side and the other, between left brain and right brain. There's also a duality that exists for many of us between religion (usually the one we were raised with) and the paranormal/spiritual.
I was raised as a good Christian girl, yet through my own free thinking, free will, I've developed an interest in the paranormal and supernatural. I worship one God. My belief is the one God may well have created many planes of existence, only some of which we have knowledge.
Stories of what heaven is are vague. There are rumors of streets paved in gold. Yet most religious orders in the world teach that only their true believers reach the pearly gates. If that is so are there many heavens? I believe when we die we are judged before God. I believe it is at God's hand that we're directed to eternity with those who lived in the light or to damnation with those who walked with evil.
It's the ultimate question humans ask. What is there beyond life? My religion teaches of heaven and hell, eternal life or eternal damnation yet it doesn't say what either are.
Reincarnation, which I believe in, also runs counter to my religious upbringing. However, I believe that as part of our new life on the other side we continue to develop and learn. If it is deemed necessary we return to mortal life to learn on this plane. The cycle of learning and living continues until we reach the ultimate state of enlightenment.
Be enlightened, not judgemental.
- behtany moran