I firmly believe each of us lives many times on the Earth plane separated by existences in the ethereal. To me, this is the cycle of reincarnation.
Almost universally, humans ask themselves what is the meaning of (Earthly) life. I answer with another question: what is it each human wants, to the exclusion of all else? Love. Complete, total, unquestioning, unequivocal, all encompassing love. When love fills us we know acceptance, flaws and all, for who we are and feel the warmth, the power it gives. When this state is reached we're able to fulfill God's (Universal Consciousness') desire for us to extend this love to fellow travelers here on Earth.
Receiving love is our earthly quest. Giving this precious gift freely to others is the test required before passing to our next experience. Sharing love with others, especially the most unlovable, is the hardest lesson to learn. It's easy to receive that which makes us feel good. Yet the fear that we'll be left without love holds us from giving it away.
Existences between lives on Earth are spent in reflection and instruction. We are instructed by guides who teach us how to receive and give love and the benefits of each. As students we work through lives and "classroom" time and accumulate knowledge needed to graduate to existences no longer requiring earthly living.
Graduating from University to Graduate School brings us to our existence at God's (Universal Consciousness') side. This is the position reserved for those who fought the good fight and persevered through ignorance and pain. Those who can receive love without questioning and give it away as freely as humans give opinions.
Receive love. Pass it on ten-fold, one hundred-fold, to an infinite degree to each we meet. Pay it forward. Do more than is expected. Above all love your fellow man, those we consider good and, most importantly, those we don't and all who lie between. Project this love to others each moment of each day. - Bethany Moran
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