Electronic Voice Phenomonon is a message from the other side that is recorded on electronic medium. Digital voice recorders are often used. It is thought that background noise or white noise is used by the spirit to form the message.
I haven't yet tried this myself but plan to do so in the near future. When practicing this method it's important to center oneself and ask for the white light of protection to surround you and that you only will receive messages from those who work toward the higher good. It is thought when using this method or others like it that you'll attract the energy you're putting out. In other words, if you're working in fear you'll attract the negative.
Select a time and place to conduct the exercise. Ask for protection and proceed. Some believe spirits are immediately drawn to the electronic device and may speak immediately when it's turned on so give yourself a few seconds of blank tape. After a pause of a few seconds introduce yourself and begin asking questions giving a few seconds between each question to allow spirit communication to take place. It has been suggested that you meditate or pray about your upcoming session and invite your loved ones to meet you at the specified time to send you their message.
As with anything else you can get as fancy as you want. Software exists to filter recorded messages.
Messages tend to be of a few words. Sounds within an EVP may vary in pitch and speed.
If you've got experience with EVPs I'd love for you to share them. I'll let you know what I've come up with when I give the procedure a try.
- bethany moran
NOTE: After writing this post I continued to search online for EVP clips. Some are notoriously difficult to hear but a few were quite clear and some of those actually gave me chills. It's interesting to note that while I listened to the clips one of my dogs came running up to me and she reacted to the same clips that gave me the chills. For some time afterward she stared at something over my head that I couldn't see. It always makes me curious when animals engage in this behavior. Now, I'm curious as to what she saw and heard.
Setting Boundaries
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16 years ago
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