Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Electronic Voice Phenomonon is a message from the other side that is recorded on electronic medium. Digital voice recorders are often used. It is thought that background noise or white noise is used by the spirit to form the message.
I haven't yet tried this myself but plan to do so in the near future. When practicing this method it's important to center oneself and ask for the white light of protection to surround you and that you only will receive messages from those who work toward the higher good. It is thought when using this method or others like it that you'll attract the energy you're putting out. In other words, if you're working in fear you'll attract the negative.
Select a time and place to conduct the exercise. Ask for protection and proceed. Some believe spirits are immediately drawn to the electronic device and may speak immediately when it's turned on so give yourself a few seconds of blank tape. After a pause of a few seconds introduce yourself and begin asking questions giving a few seconds between each question to allow spirit communication to take place. It has been suggested that you meditate or pray about your upcoming session and invite your loved ones to meet you at the specified time to send you their message.
As with anything else you can get as fancy as you want. Software exists to filter recorded messages.
Messages tend to be of a few words. Sounds within an EVP may vary in pitch and speed.
If you've got experience with EVPs I'd love for you to share them. I'll let you know what I've come up with when I give the procedure a try.
- bethany moran
NOTE: After writing this post I continued to search online for EVP clips. Some are notoriously difficult to hear but a few were quite clear and some of those actually gave me chills. It's interesting to note that while I listened to the clips one of my dogs came running up to me and she reacted to the same clips that gave me the chills. For some time afterward she stared at something over my head that I couldn't see. It always makes me curious when animals engage in this behavior. Now, I'm curious as to what she saw and heard.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Full Moon

The moon holds sway over the tides. Some say it has other influence in our lives.
For centuries crops have been planted according to the phases of the moon for optimum harvest.
Anecdotal evidence from police officers show crimes increase with a full moon. My mother is a retired registered nurse who say the full moon had an affect on patients. It is believed they bleed heavier or take a turn for the worse. It's also believed there's an increase in mortality during the full moon.
In our own lives it's clear that humans act strangely during the full moon. When drivers are acting particularly erratic, I check on the moon. If you work with the public it seems the kooky people come out with the full moon.
The next time the full moon rolls around check out the people you deal with.
- bethany moran

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Other Side

I wonder what it's like on the other side of the veil? I don't believe it's a physical plane, rather a gathering of energy and emotions. I don't believe humans retain their human form once they pass over. When those who've passed show themselves to us in their human form I believe they do so as a frame of reference so we recognize them. Time exists on the other side but I don't know what form. Do years, generations, decades pass as moments? Do all events take place in one continuim?
When I've been visited from the other side I've been given a vision of what I believe heaven looks like. I saw rolling hills with the greenest grass and majestic trees. Flowers of colors that are indescribable on earth swayed in a warm breeze. The sky was azure blue, though that doesn't describe it well at all. Still, I think this is merely a representation so I can equate the tableau as heaven.
I believe in the collective consciousness. In this model we find a resevoir of universal knowledge. To this end I believe that if we've lived in the light when we pass to the other side we are then all-knowing.
One haunting experience I've had is the sounds of music and partying that appear to be coming from another room. Yet when the room is explored it is found to be empty. My daughter said this is what the other side sounds like. A nonstop party? Sounds good to me.
- bethany moran

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Auntie Clair

There are many forms of "clair" psychic abilities. Clair is derived from the Latin word for clear. The remaining part of the word, such as clairvoyance, voyance = vision described the type of clearness one's receiving.
Those who are clairvoyant have clear vision of events that have happened or will happen. This is probably the most well known of the clairs. When I receive a visitation of someone who has passed I see a two-dimensional image in my mind. The flickering image reminds me of that from a film projector.
Clairsencient individuals have "clear sensing." They feel the physical sensation associated with a past or future event. Often psychics who work on criminal cases tell of feeling pain in the head of a victim who was shot in the head.
Clairaudience is "clear hearing." Some mediums are clairudient in that they hear the voices of those on the other side.
I am most familiar with claircognizance - knowledge that's acquired intrinsically or when you know something without knowing how or why you know it. This is the primary way I receive psychic information. The information just "pops" into my head so to speak.
Clairalience is the clear sensing of smell. This is often referred to in hauntings where the person experiencing the haunting smells roses or cigar smoke. I have a friend on the other side who announces themselves with marijuana smoke, which has never been in the home where I live. Someone else comes through with the scent of a freshly lit cigarette.
Clairgustance is clear tasting. The most common report I have heard of clairgustance is when a psychic reports tasting blood in relation to someone who's passed.
Auntie Clair has many incarnations. Maybe you didn't know the name of what your experience was in the past. I hope I've given a name to the information you receive psychically.
- bethany moran

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There was once a television program about psychic abilities in which scientists tested psychics and gave their explanations about why there was no such thing as psychic abilities. My favorite quotation came from a scientist who claimed the psychics weren't receiving information from some unknown external source but, instead, were reading the mind of the participants. I clearly remember thinking, does she realize what she just said? She just said there is no scientific basis for ESP but she believed the psychic used TELEPATHY to obtain informaiton. No basis on paranormal abilities except to say there was a basis for mind reading, which many believe to be a paranormal ability.
My husband and I frequently practice sending messages to each other telepathically. To us it's a fun game to see if we can influence the other party to respond in the way we've predicted.
I think telepathy is the force in play when we're thinking about someone and they call us on the phone. I think it's in play for people with long standing relationships because they connect on a deeper level than others in our lives.
- bethany moran

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Extra Sensory Perception

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is knowledge or perception without use of the five senses. Familiar terms that are often interchanged with ESP are sixth sense, gut instinct, hunch, (women's) intuition. I believe everyone possesses ESP abilities. Accessing them comes naturally to some, others need to cultivate them through opening ourselves via means such as meditation.
Many people report precognitive experiences, as in dreams that foretell a future event. The most notable precognitive dream I had as a teen was one that foretold a friend's upcoming brush with the law. I told the person it related to about the dream and the event did take place. I was then blamed for "informing" on them to authorities. My first lesson in keeping my experiences to myself! Although now I'm in a place where I feel safe to divulge any such information IF I feel the parties involved are receptive.
Our sixth sense, gut instinct, hunches, women's intuition, even the small voice within that warns us to take a different action than that we are contemplating can guide us wisely through life. Women are notoriously gifted with intuition. My mother and I and my duaghter and I are quite connected. Often one calls the other only to hear the person on the other end of the line say "I was just picking up the phone to call you." A humerous incident is the fact that often when I speak to my daughter, even though we are two states apart, is to learn we're preparing the same menu for supper.
Whenever I go against the small voice inside me or my intuition I'm usually met with less than desireable results. Now, I know the benefit of listening to my intuition and no longer allow my human nature to stand in the way of decisions
- bethany moran

Friday, February 13, 2009


For general meditation I stretch out on the bed, arms at my sides. I say a prayer asking God to surround me with the white light of protection to keep me from unwittingly inviting negative energies. In the darkened room I close my eyes and take several deep breaths, inhaling through my nose, holding the breath and blowing out slowly through my mouth. The most difficult part of the practice comes next as I clear my mind. This may take some practice. However, I visualize erasing a blackboard to a clean slate. If distracted by intrusive thoughts bring yourself back into the now by allowing yourself to release the distractions.
Beginning at my toes I tighten and relax muscle groups up through my body, breathing slow deliberate breaths all the while. Next, in my mind's eye I take myself to a place of natural beauty to further clear my mind and deepen my relaxed state. For me, this usually includes a flowing stream or other body of water. I place myself entirely in the beautiful scene, experiencing warmth, sunshine, the sound of the water. As I become more relaxed the scene fades to black and I reach what I feel is almost a trance like state. In this state I am open to any messages that I may need to learn. After some time, it may be a few minutes or nearly an hour, I bring myself back into the awareness of the now.
In the deeply meditative state I may find I've received an auditory message though it's much more likely that I receive images. Similar to analyzing dreams I note symbolism received during meditation. At this point it may help to write out what was seen or heard during the relaxed state. With practice the meaning of the message you received should become clear.
Reach deep within yourself during meditation and you may be able to find the answers to questions present in your life.
- bethany moran

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Edgar Cayce

I've always been fascinated by Edgar Cayce. He was born and raised in rural Kentucky in 1877 to a humble family. Early on he had psychic experiences that led him to become a prolific psychic reader. As a child he spoke to his late grandfather's spirit and had many "imaginary" friends who were from the Other Side. A fascinating ability was to place a book under his pillow and absorb the material within it.
Mr. Cayce put himself into trance states he likened to falling asleep. During these trances he was able to read individuals whether present or not. These readings often centered on the health of the subject. Accessing a vast resevoir of records available to him in another realm allowed him to create health care programs for those being read. Often, the holistic approaches to these queries were counter to modern medicine, but were curative nonetheless. Edgar Cayce also explored topics such as the lost world of Atlantis and foretelling future events. All of which he had no recollection of when he came out of trance.
How does one come to be blessed with these abilities? Are we all able, as I believe, to tap into a universal consciousness? I suspect very few individuals are able to reach his level of psychic awareness, however, with practice we are able to reach out to planes of existence other than the one in which we live. If you don't already practice meditation, I urge you to do so. With practice it is possible to take yourself to a trance state. Once there you will be open to the wisdom of the ages.
- bethany moran

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reconciling Duality

To me, duality is the separation or difference between the light and the dark, between this side and the other, between left brain and right brain. There's also a duality that exists for many of us between religion (usually the one we were raised with) and the paranormal/spiritual.
I was raised as a good Christian girl, yet through my own free thinking, free will, I've developed an interest in the paranormal and supernatural. I worship one God. My belief is the one God may well have created many planes of existence, only some of which we have knowledge.
Stories of what heaven is are vague. There are rumors of streets paved in gold. Yet most religious orders in the world teach that only their true believers reach the pearly gates. If that is so are there many heavens? I believe when we die we are judged before God. I believe it is at God's hand that we're directed to eternity with those who lived in the light or to damnation with those who walked with evil.
It's the ultimate question humans ask. What is there beyond life? My religion teaches of heaven and hell, eternal life or eternal damnation yet it doesn't say what either are.
Reincarnation, which I believe in, also runs counter to my religious upbringing. However, I believe that as part of our new life on the other side we continue to develop and learn. If it is deemed necessary we return to mortal life to learn on this plane. The cycle of learning and living continues until we reach the ultimate state of enlightenment.
Be enlightened, not judgemental.
- behtany moran

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Aliens - ETs and Thee

The laws of physics were made to be broken. Here are my personal opinions on ETs.
My theory No. 1: The laws of physics as we know them may not be applicable outside our universe, or even galaxy.
My theory No. 2: ETs may be humans of the future come back to Earth. Although I'm not sure why they'd want to.
My theory No. 3: ETs are from another plane of existence. I didn't say planet. They may be of a realm about which we know nothing.
My theory No. 4: It is extremely egocentric to believe we are the only sentient beings present in our universe or any other. Humans in general feel it necessary to maintain their superiority over all living beings, to this end they place themselves above others in the food chain.
My theory No. 5: Strictly mathematically speaking the odds against us being the only thinking beings around are, excuse me, astronomical.
My theory No. 6: I have held that ETs are a possibly extremely old - think in millions here - life form. Imagine my satisfaction to hear a top physicist on TV the other day say that we can't rule out the possibility and if they are that old they would certainly be capable of means of transportation beyond our imaginations.
My theory No. 7: ETs are Atlantians. Seriously, reports of USOs (unidentified submerged objects) bursting through the sea's surface abound.
Mt theory No. 8: well, there isn't one. I've never seen a UFO. I've never seen an ET. I certainly hope I've never been abducted. It doesn't stop me from thinking about the possibilities out there.
take care out there
- bethany moran

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Material World

Material hauntings or ghostly objects can make you look twice. One moment you see an object that doesn't belong where it is. You shake your head, blink your eyes and when you look back the object is gone. The experiences repeated here were relayed to me by credible witnesses at the athletic club mentioned in my 01/15/09 post, The Firefighters' Ghosts.
As part of their jobs the banquet servers were required to set the ballroom and other dining rooms up for the planned event. Linens were spread on tables then the tables would be set for service. In 1992 during the Mike Tyson rape trial while jurors slept upstairs a fire broke out in a dining room taking the lives of two firefighters and a hotel guest.
After the club was restored ghostly tales circulated among employees. Phantom columns of flame were seen in the ballroom and the firefighters' boots/pants gear was seen in the kitchens. Here's where I ask for help. Who's seen such objects? Were they tied to the incident that created the haunting? Also, I'm not sure why the gear turned up, looking for all the world as if it was ready and waiting for the wearers. Maybe it was a simple representation of those who crossed.
These occurances could be called residual hauntings. Residuals are usually associated with human or animal ghosts who are seen to repeat their actions over and over like a skipped record album (CD to the younger set). They aren't believed to have "intelligence" like a ghost that can answer questions or change its pattern of behavior.
More on the club on upcoming posts.
Take care. Live your life in peace.
- bethany moran

Angel Helpers

During a trying time in my life I had a most unexpected visitor. I was unhappy in a marriage and had recently injured my back. Any spare moment I had was spent laying on the floor with my knees bent in order to alleviate pain. One day a red and black hound appeared at my back door. When the door opened he sauntered in as if he owned the place and glued himself to my side. If I laid on the floor he sat at my head as if watching over me. When my then-spouse came near - we were at a point of extreme animosity - it growled furiously, causing my husband to take a wide way around me. In the matter of a few weeks as often happens the relationship deteriorated further. It was decision time for me and that decision was that I needed to move on. As soon as I reached that conclusion and took steps to bring it about the dog went out one day never to return.
I often thought he was an angel sent to watch over me in a time of need.
As when performing random acts of kindness, when we minister to these unexpected animal visitors I feel we may be playing hosts to an angel.
Have you had an animal visit you can't explain?
take care
- bethany moran

Sunday, January 25, 2009

People like to say 'life's a journey.' What if that journey were an infinite train ride and we, our spirit essences, stopped on a new life. At the end of that existence our essence leaves the body on the Earth plane for the Other Side.

Years ago during a psychic reading I was told I once lived in the utopian Oneida commune in New York state. The culture of the community fostered free thinking and

our spiritual essence skip along the plane's surface like a skipped stone?

ime echoes like ripples emanating from a skipped stone. Does our spiritual essence piggy-back on the stone to manifest itself in lives during

he surface of time

There are those who believe without seeing and those who see without believing. Both are welcome. - - Bethany Moran

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Moment of Death

When I was about 12 years old I became obsessed with what people's thoughts were at the moment of death. I gave the subject much thought and was disappointed when I couldn't think of a way to test my question. Years later I learned of mediums and psychics and was excited to learn that there was a way to communicate with those on the Other Side.

Listening to mediums has lead me to believe those who've passed don't dwell on their last moments though they will give impressions on the manner of their death. This is reassuring to me as I became an adult and learned there are millions of ways to die. It's especially important to know our loved ones who've passed don't "dwell" or are harmed or held back by the critical moment of death.

On a similar note I've often wondered what happens when one crosses over due to a particularly violent or horrifying death or many people die due to one event. Examples are horrific auto accidents, murder or, most interesting to me, a mass death due to an event such as an airliner crash. It's been said the spirit/soul of victims of these types of death depart their physical bodies before the moment of death actually occurs. I certainly hope so. In hearing investigations of jet crashes it seems passengers may be aware of their impending fate for moments or even several (in one instance up to half an hour) minutes before the crash actually takes place. I can think of nothing more horrifying than knowing you are about to die and being totally helpless to escape the situation.

So let's add to the above questions the issue of mass deaths. Without mediumship skills of my own I'm going on pure speculation. For many years I held the belief the souls of a mass death were lost or wandering. Of course, I have no way to verify this.

Echoing Duality is here to learn the views of others. Your opinions and responses to these situations are of particular interest. Many others, especially those who've lost a loved one, could benefit from your thoughts, so please don't hesitate to share.

In peace.

- bethany moran

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reiki Rocks!

Until the other night I was a Reiki virgin. I'd heard of it and seen it on TV (as if that lends credence) but I had no experience with this Japanese technique. For several months I've endured constant, chronic pain. I've tried everything I know to alleviate it. I've hounded friends and relatives and doctors and scoured the Internet but nothing I found has given relief.

A local metaphysical store and sanctuary holds classes on the stress reducing, relaxing and physical healing practice weekly. Each week I receive their email newsletter and Reiki night is always mentioned. Each week I want to go but something seems to get in the way. It finally dawned on me that I was probably getting in the way of myself. My own health and best interests were being sabotaged by my fear of the unknown, the unknown factor of Reiki and doubts that it would be beneficial.

During the day before this week's Reiki night I had more pain relief than I had in months, but still a great deal of pain. Also, I found myself "jazzed" and full of anticipation because I decided this was the big night - I'd attend Reiki services. I arrived at the metaphysical center and milled around with others in attendance. Before Reiki sessions began we joined hands in a circle and were led through some relaxation techniques. We were brought back to the present and, fortunately, first timers were to be seen by practitioners first.

Each attendee had signed a numbered sign-in sheet and clipped a plastic badge to our clothing noting the number associated with our name. Practitioners called the newcomers by number and we were led into a darkened room with relaxing new age music. Four beds/tables stood waiting eager subjects. I removed my shoes, stretched out on the bed, closed my eyes and began to breathe deeply and relax in a method I've used for years. Without speaking two practitioners approached my outstretched form and touched me lightly. I was surprised because I thought Reiki didn't include touch. The touch was welcome, however, as the person at the foot of the bed massaged my feet extensively, sometimes with an object I perceived to be a stone. The person at the head of the bed layed on hands on my head, neck and shoulders. Other parts of my body received attention during the session as well.

The state of relaxation I reached was incredible, certainly the deepest state I've found myself in. During this time I sensed the words, "There is no pain here." The phrase must have been repeated a thousand time in a soothing woman's voice. Against a purple background I perceived a beautiful woman in lavender, diaphanous robes standing behind a basin of water. The woman's image never left, but behind her a everchanging scene of earthworks, a small waterfall of iridescent purple/blue water over well-worn rounded stones and an image I find quite difficult to explain other than it appeared as thought it were a fountain firework. The "fireworks" seemed to be water spraying through a vessel in arcs to the left and the right.

The end of the session wasn't disappointing in the least, though I expected to be let down. The practitioners led me out of the room and were glad to answer my questions. I was virtually pain free and still in a state of meditation so I chose to take a seat and bask in the wonder of the moment. Within moments I was slammed with whole-body pain, surely as intense as if I were struck by a freight train. My thoughts immediately transferred back to "there is no pain here" and the pain left in moments. I couldn't help but wonder if the sudden pain were a test I subconsiously threw up as a roadblock to myself.

The basis of Reiki is the unseen life force energy that flows through us. It is believed that if one's life force energy is low we are prone to sickness or the effects of stress. When our energy is high, Reiki practitioners believe we are more able to obtain health and happiness.

The experience was wonderful and I plan to return if for no other reason, to experience the deep state of meditation.

Be in peace. - Bethany Moran

I awoke today with significant pain but later I was virtually pain free. Was it the Reiki? I think so. It's true I didn't get a session this morning but I did put the lessons of the other night into practice. I relaxed, breathed deeply and reframed my reference to pain. Remembering the state I was in during my session, I called to mind, and repeatedly said, "There is no pain here." I didn't have a voila, pain-free moment; however, I did have a huge decrease in pain. I noticed my shoulders and neck weren't drawn into painful spasms. I noticed that I knew I'd be OK even if the discomfort increased. I noticed I didn't call my condition "pain" anymore, I called it discomfort. So for those who doubt the effectiveness of the physical process, I'd like you to know that I've changed the way I think about pain and my response to it which can only be construed as success in any book.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Electronic Interference Phenomena

NOTE: I searched the Web and haven't found this phrase listed anywhere and I've used it for years. Please advise if you're aware of it's use elsewhere. Thanks. - Bethany)

Since the implementation of answering machines and their evolution into voicemail, checking messages has been an adventure for me. Frequently, I'm not met with a human voice, at least not immediately. The first sound I hear is the ringing of a telephone making an outbound call. Next is a person's voice answering the phone. The onset of the phenomena wasn't too alarming. Answering machines were a new technology at the time and I assumed the messages were a glitch. The messages were interesting but seemingly nothing to give much thought to.

I realized the messages didn't derive from the answering machine but the telephone. Had single-line home phones been making outbound calls all along and we were ignorant to the 'glitch' until the advent of answering machine technology? Maybe this explains what occurs when we answer the phone to find an open line - white noise as opposed to total silence.

Could this be a paranormal event? When the messages continued I began to pay closer attention to the voices at the end of the line and it was clear I couldn't recognize them. I'm not certain why my phone would call someone I perceive to be a stranger, unless they were to play a role in my life that was as yet unknown.

Cell phones came along and the phenomena took on a new twist. Often, with my phone at my side on the desk or table, I heard the speaker phone engage and the now familiar tones of an outgoing call. The cell also started calling out while I was driving or carrying it in my hand. The calls occurring while carrying my phone are discounted as they could easily be explained as an accidental pushing of a button. When my cell phone calls out it is to a person in my directory, usually someone I know intimately. Rarely, it calls the last number called - which again I'd discount to being some sort of human-related event.

In my house timers go off without being set. For the sake of curiosity I always make a note of the time the timer bell sounds. When speaking to a family member the next day - usually the same person - I find they were thinking about or talking about me to someone else. It seems one day the kitchen timer alert may be an indicator of a simultaneous event.

A friend of mine has an alarm clock that sounds at the same time each day, yet it isn't set for that time. Does this mark the time of a significant event in their life? The loss of someone at that exact time? Another memorable event?

Other than the timing of someone talking about or claiming to be thinking about me when one of these events takes place, I've yet to connect them to a loved one on the other side.

Do you receive other worldly calls? Perhaps your phone makes the call for you. I've heard of televisions going off and on, etc. It's believed those on the Other Side need energy to manifest or send a message. Since I believe the spirits of those who've passed are continuations of energy that represents itself in a different form than that on the Earthly plane, it seems entirely plausible.

Live well. - Bethany Moran

Saturday, January 17, 2009

You Will NOT Believe What I Dreamed Last Night!

Has one of your friends ever said this to you? Maybe you've said it.

When I was in school a memorable dream foretold the "bust" of a school friend. In the dream my classmate was looking all over for places to hide their pot. In the end they chose a place in full view of authorities. The dream could have been interpreted in many ways yet I chose the way that made the most sense to me. Perhaps that's the key to dreams that foretell future events, interpretation.

The most memorable paranormal dream I've had foretold nothing. Rather I received a message from someone who passed on to send along to a mutual friend. In the dream I had a panoramic view of an endless meadow. Rolling hills were dotted with trees of all sorts whose leaves fluttered slowly in a perfectly warm breeze. Flowers of colors with intensities not experienced on Earth grew in scalloped waves across soft grass that was every shade of green imaginable. Puffed clouds floated along a robin's egg blue sky and the sun was a shimmering golden orb that radiated love upon the vista below. I think of all the beauty I beheld what I remember most was the perfumed air. I love the smell of cut grass on the first warm spring day. It's so pure and clear and fresh and green. That aroma permeated the dream.

Among the rolling hills of the landscape stood a woman in a sundress. She reveled in the sights and sounds surrounding her. She stood with her back slightly arched, her arms pulled behind her in sheer delight, a sunbonnet with long, trailing ribbons in one hand, her face upturned to the perfect sun. To me, it was clear she was in Heaven. Literally. She was engrossed in, one with, her surroundings. I intuited her message. I was to tell her best friend who's also MY best friend that she was fine and everything was beautiful where she was.

There was no way I wouldn't pass the message to my friend. It's ironic, though. During her life, the woman I received the message from and I weren't friends. I wondered why she chose to come through to me. I was simply a messenger. I believe I was the person the woman on the other side knew would see the message for what it was and deliver it to her friend.

Mediums receive messages from the other side and relay them to the living. I've often heard mediums asked how we'll know we've received a visit from the other side. A visit has been described as unforgettable in colors, scents and sounds; utterly beyond human comprehension. After a loved one passes to the other side we may dream of them out of longing and love. However, a visitation from the other side will be difficult to dismiss as anything else.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Firefighters' Ghosts

The Indianapolis Athletic Club was a private club in downtown Indianapolis built in the early 1900's. The now defunct club had a rich history of hauntings. I hired on as an accounting clerk and the administrative offices were housed on the ninth floor at the top of the building. Below were three floors of hotel rooms, athletic facilities, ball rooms, dining rooms and the like.

I'd been an employee for a few days when the elevator stopped at the wrong floor and I, as usual with my head in the clouds, got off the elevator as if it was at the right floor. No one was present in the small foyer. One side of the cubby opened onto a main hallway. The other direction were the closed doors to a private bar and dining area. As I stood, alone, in the confined area the sensation of total desolate failure enveloped me. I believe I was experiencing communications from those who have passed. The message I received was this: "I failed him. I knew better than to do what I did. It's my fault [he's dead]. I'm so sorry. I wish I could fix it." These sensations enveloped me and delivered their forlorn message in a matter of moments.

After a year or so of employment I took the position as night auditor. Notwithstanding hotel guests and die-hard exercisers who arrived before the break of dawn I was in the building overnight with a security officer, housekeeper and kitchen cleaner. Haunting activity started my first night on the job. Of the two outer doors on the first floor the door opening to the side street was locked at 11 PM. The huge revolving doors that opened to the main drag were left unlocked and a motion detector was focused on them. This detector signalled the entrance of visitors by the sound of a small ringing bell. The detector was useless, however, due to its constant and unrelentent sounding. I couldn't tell if someone was actually entering or not, it was the electronic equivalent of yelling wolf. The strange ocurrance was reported in the morning. The next evening a message assured me no malfunctions were found in the motion detector.

I've never seen an aparition. Rather I perceive a two-dimentional image in my mind of someone who passed. The image appears flat, almost transparent, similar to an old-fashioned faded photographic slide. While in the Club at night I frequently "saw" a twenty-something maintenance engineer. He was clad in teal green/gray uniform pants and shirt with a large keyring on his belt. The fellow was quite tall, well over six feet, and bent at the waist, out of habit to keep from brushing against the tops of door frames.

Beautifully appointed salons sat to either side of the revolving door entrance. Lovely furnishings included crystal ash trays that must have weighed nearly ten pounds each. More than once I heard faint music and party goers enjoying themselves in these salons and, possibly, the restaurant across the hall. Occasionally, it appeared the party got out of hand given the sound of furniture and heavy crystal ashtrays being knocked over. I dutifully checked the salon, albeit on tiptoes and very quietly, each time I heard the sounds to find nothing whatsoever out of place.

Sounds of upturned furniture, which I came to be known to me as ghostly and nonthreatening, were sometime replaced with faint piano music which wafted from the grand piano in front of the salon's fireplace. The first time I heard the music I feared a street person with a musical bent sought shelter inside the Club. Taking up my walkie-talkie as protection I crept to the piano and found . . . nothing. I chalked it up to more spirited activity and wondered did I really hear it or not. (Even believers aren't alway sure, are they?) One evening the music was louder. I was sure it was coming from a "real" player this time. I rounded the desk in seconds and was nearly ran down by the security officer who heard the music himself. Halellujiah! Another living being heard the piano! Though there was no musician at the keys I was happy to know the presence of the security officer vindicated me.

As to the feelings of unease and unrest outside the elevator I learned there was a fatal fire at the Club. [If you remember the Mike Tyson rape trial in Indianapolis you may recall the jurors were housed at the IAC. During the trial a fire broke out which resulted in three fatalities. It almost caused a mistrial.] Much later I learned two of the fataliteis were Indianapolis Firefighters who died where I stood outside the elevators that day. One firefighter was older, more experienced than the other. When the door to the dining room was opened a flashover (?) ocurred, killing both men. I believe with all my heart the anguish I felt came entirely from the torment the more experienced firefighter felt as his responsibility at the death of his young charge. I feel he felt his death mattered not one bit. I hope with all my heart the older firefighter finds peace.

What are the strongest feelings / emotions you've experienced that you related to the other side? - Bethany Moran

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

They're Heeeeeeeeeeeeere

Poltergeists can be defined as noisy, mischievous ghosts that is responsible for rappings and / or other unexplained noises. It's a good definition but my belief is that no single ghost, soul of a departed human, is behind the noises; the noises comes from psychic energy emanating from that who is at the center of the phenomenon. The average American female teenager is a bundle of energy. Hormonally driven changes, burgeoning sexuality, emotions run wild are stirred into a seething mass of energy. Is it any wonder than much poltergeist activity relates to young girls?

Though I experienced precognitive dreams and other phenomena as a young girl, poltergeist activity didn't begin until I married my first husband two months to the day after my eighteenth birthday. I was the epitome of the excitable teenage girl. Sexual energy and passion dominated me and I had a strong belief in the supernatural. My then-husband came from a family rich in paranormal history, including a great-grandmother who was well-known in the region as a loving healer and medium who often held services at Camp Chesterfield in central Indiana.

When we married we moved into a modest mobile home wrapped in love. As soon as we moved in to begin our new life together the noises began. I don't recall traditional rapping sounds. Often the sound of bells ringing was heard. The most memorable instances seemed to occur after we argued. One evening as we got ready to go out I was in the bathroom drying my hair and my ex-husband was in the living room. I repeated heard a small bell ring close to my ear as I used the blow dryer. Finally, exasperated, I went to the living room and asked why he was ringing a bell in the bathroom. He had no idea what I was talking about but we ended up talking out our differences and got over our argument.

One night in bed we heard a sound no less disturbing and memorable than to suggest the refrigerator had been pushed over with a resounding crash. Jumping out of bed we ran to the kitchen where . . . not a thing was out of place.

My most unique experience came one afternoon as I brought groceries into my house. I was totally alone, save for my cat, who came into the kitchen to see why I was disturbing her. I brought bag after bag of household supplies in from the car and placed them on the table. As I brought in one bag I noticed my cat was spooked. I watched as she turned and, fur puffed in fear, ran out of the kitchen. One-half a moment later I was startled (read: scared shitless) to hear what sounded like something as heavy as an old fashioned anvil fall through the roof, ceiling, upper cabinet, sink, lower cabinet and, finally, the floor. Belief in such phenomena doesn't preclude fright over its occurrence! After a brief glance to ensure a flaming meteor hadn't soared from the sky through my kitchen, for what other excuse could there be, I turned tail and ran. The only explanation I have is that of the poltergeist. I heard the object fall physically through each layer that could have stood in its way.

Other instances occurred with irregularity, but the crashing refrigerator and "anvil" stuck with me throughout the years. Has a poltergeist paid a visit to you? - Bethany Moran

Sunday, January 11, 2009

WELCOME to Echoing Duality. A haven for those who dare to acknowledge that paranormality echoes through the energy of the Earthly plane. There are those who believe without seeing and those who see without believing. Both are welcome. - - Bethany Moran

The "Why" Behind the Journey

I firmly believe each of us lives many times on the Earth plane separated by existences in the ethereal. To me, this is the cycle of reincarnation.

Almost universally, humans ask themselves what is the meaning of (Earthly) life. I answer with another question: what is it each human wants, to the exclusion of all else? Love. Complete, total, unquestioning, unequivocal, all encompassing love. When love fills us we know acceptance, flaws and all, for who we are and feel the warmth, the power it gives. When this state is reached we're able to fulfill God's (Universal Consciousness') desire for us to extend this love to fellow travelers here on Earth.

Receiving love is our earthly quest. Giving this precious gift freely to others is the test required before passing to our next experience. Sharing love with others, especially the most unlovable, is the hardest lesson to learn. It's easy to receive that which makes us feel good. Yet the fear that we'll be left without love holds us from giving it away.

Existences between lives on Earth are spent in reflection and instruction. We are instructed by guides who teach us how to receive and give love and the benefits of each. As students we work through lives and "classroom" time and accumulate knowledge needed to graduate to existences no longer requiring earthly living.

Graduating from University to Graduate School brings us to our existence at God's (Universal Consciousness') side. This is the position reserved for those who fought the good fight and persevered through ignorance and pain. Those who can receive love without questioning and give it away as freely as humans give opinions.

Receive love. Pass it on ten-fold, one hundred-fold, to an infinite degree to each we meet. Pay it forward. Do more than is expected. Above all love your fellow man, those we consider good and, most importantly, those we don't and all who lie between. Project this love to others each moment of each day. - Bethany Moran

WELCOME to Echoing Duality. A haven for those who dare to acknowledge that paranormality echoes through the energy of the Earthly plane. There are those who believe without seeing and those who see without believing. Both are welcome. - - Bethany Moran

PS If it isn't already clear, I am a complete Luddite and computer neophyte. With this in mind I planned to make this my first notation on Echoing Duality. In fact, I'd like it to always be present on my home page, but I haven't figured that out yet. At any rate the above paragraph is an important glimpse into my paranormal / supernatural beliefs.

I wish you well. - Bethany

Thursday, January 8, 2009

In The Beginning . . .

Paranormal: out of the normal realm

Many who've had paranormal experiences, and some who haven't, believe the "normal" realm we exist in is far from normal on its own. I, and many family members have had paranormal experiences.

My earliest memories include dreams of being a small child in post WWII Europe. In the dreams I huddle, clad in filthy rags, in the doorway of a business closed for the night in a busy middle-sized city. The town is battle-worn and I remember the atmosphere as gray and dirty. In the dreams I'm about five years of age and with a little brother of about three whom I'm trying to keep warm. I beg for food as people busily stroll past, ignoring us. Another strong memory finds me standing on tip-toes looking out a front window of a modest home. Tanks roll down the street. I assume it's during the liberation because there's no feeling of dread associated with the tanks, more a joyful feeling.

These are vivid images for a child too young to know what a war is, where Europe is and why people wouldn't help children in a time of dire need. I've had what I assume are flashbacks of three other lives as well.

Years later I married and became a mother. My daughter spoke early and, like her Momma, had plenty to say. Around the age of two she described where she lived before she came "to live here." Indeed, she described a well lived in farmhouse, complete with creaking screen door on the back of the house. She also told of Christmas dinners where a roast goose graced the center of the table, but there wasn't much else to eat. My daughter described living with the other children. Fortunately, I wasn't alarmed. Many children's claims are ignored or, worse, chastised by recanting past life descriptions. Her recollections cemented a belief I'd nurtured many years.

Where will I be when I pass on to the other side? Who will I be? What will I do? Will I find an answer before I pass?