NOTE: I searched the Web and haven't found this phrase listed anywhere and I've used it for years. Please advise if you're aware of it's use elsewhere. Thanks. - Bethany)
Since the implementation of answering machines and their evolution into voicemail, checking messages has been an adventure for me. Frequently, I'm not met with a human voice, at least not immediately. The first sound I hear is the ringing of a telephone making an outbound call. Next is a person's voice answering the phone. The onset of the phenomena wasn't too alarming. Answering machines were a new technology at the time and I assumed the messages were a glitch. The messages were interesting but seemingly nothing to give much thought to.
I realized the messages didn't derive from the answering machine but the telephone. Had single-line home phones been making outbound calls all along and we were ignorant to the 'glitch' until the advent of answering machine technology? Maybe this explains what occurs when we answer the phone to find an open line - white noise as opposed to total silence.
Could this be a paranormal event? When the messages continued I began to pay closer attention to the voices at the end of the line and it was clear I couldn't recognize them. I'm not certain why my phone would call someone I perceive to be a stranger, unless they were to play a role in my life that was as yet unknown.
Cell phones came along and the phenomena took on a new twist. Often, with my phone at my side on the desk or table, I heard the speaker phone engage and the now familiar tones of an outgoing call. The cell also started calling out while I was driving or carrying it in my hand. The calls occurring while carrying my phone are discounted as they could easily be explained as an accidental pushing of a button. When my cell phone calls out it is to a person in my directory, usually someone I know intimately. Rarely, it calls the last number called - which again I'd discount to being some sort of human-related event.
In my house timers go off without being set. For the sake of curiosity I always make a note of the time the timer bell sounds. When speaking to a family member the next day - usually the same person - I find they were thinking about or talking about me to someone else. It seems one day the kitchen timer alert may be an indicator of a simultaneous event.
A friend of mine has an alarm clock that sounds at the same time each day, yet it isn't set for that time. Does this mark the time of a significant event in their life? The loss of someone at that exact time? Another memorable event?
Other than the timing of someone talking about or claiming to be thinking about me when one of these events takes place, I've yet to connect them to a loved one on the other side.
Do you receive other worldly calls? Perhaps your phone makes the call for you. I've heard of televisions going off and on, etc. It's believed those on the Other Side need energy to manifest or send a message. Since I believe the spirits of those who've passed are continuations of energy that represents itself in a different form than that on the Earthly plane, it seems entirely plausible.
Live well. - Bethany Moran
Setting Boundaries
I've been absent for a few days to devote all my efforts to the final
rewrite of my novel. This morning I completed editing and ran the spell
The ne...
16 years ago
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