Saturday, January 17, 2009

You Will NOT Believe What I Dreamed Last Night!

Has one of your friends ever said this to you? Maybe you've said it.

When I was in school a memorable dream foretold the "bust" of a school friend. In the dream my classmate was looking all over for places to hide their pot. In the end they chose a place in full view of authorities. The dream could have been interpreted in many ways yet I chose the way that made the most sense to me. Perhaps that's the key to dreams that foretell future events, interpretation.

The most memorable paranormal dream I've had foretold nothing. Rather I received a message from someone who passed on to send along to a mutual friend. In the dream I had a panoramic view of an endless meadow. Rolling hills were dotted with trees of all sorts whose leaves fluttered slowly in a perfectly warm breeze. Flowers of colors with intensities not experienced on Earth grew in scalloped waves across soft grass that was every shade of green imaginable. Puffed clouds floated along a robin's egg blue sky and the sun was a shimmering golden orb that radiated love upon the vista below. I think of all the beauty I beheld what I remember most was the perfumed air. I love the smell of cut grass on the first warm spring day. It's so pure and clear and fresh and green. That aroma permeated the dream.

Among the rolling hills of the landscape stood a woman in a sundress. She reveled in the sights and sounds surrounding her. She stood with her back slightly arched, her arms pulled behind her in sheer delight, a sunbonnet with long, trailing ribbons in one hand, her face upturned to the perfect sun. To me, it was clear she was in Heaven. Literally. She was engrossed in, one with, her surroundings. I intuited her message. I was to tell her best friend who's also MY best friend that she was fine and everything was beautiful where she was.

There was no way I wouldn't pass the message to my friend. It's ironic, though. During her life, the woman I received the message from and I weren't friends. I wondered why she chose to come through to me. I was simply a messenger. I believe I was the person the woman on the other side knew would see the message for what it was and deliver it to her friend.

Mediums receive messages from the other side and relay them to the living. I've often heard mediums asked how we'll know we've received a visit from the other side. A visit has been described as unforgettable in colors, scents and sounds; utterly beyond human comprehension. After a loved one passes to the other side we may dream of them out of longing and love. However, a visitation from the other side will be difficult to dismiss as anything else.

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