Material hauntings or ghostly objects can make you look twice. One moment you see an object that doesn't belong where it is. You shake your head, blink your eyes and when you look back the object is gone. The experiences repeated here were relayed to me by credible witnesses at the athletic club mentioned in my 01/15/09 post, The Firefighters' Ghosts.
As part of their jobs the banquet servers were required to set the ballroom and other dining rooms up for the planned event. Linens were spread on tables then the tables would be set for service. In 1992 during the Mike Tyson rape trial while jurors slept upstairs a fire broke out in a dining room taking the lives of two firefighters and a hotel guest.
After the club was restored ghostly tales circulated among employees. Phantom columns of flame were seen in the ballroom and the firefighters' boots/pants gear was seen in the kitchens. Here's where I ask for help. Who's seen such objects? Were they tied to the incident that created the haunting? Also, I'm not sure why the gear turned up, looking for all the world as if it was ready and waiting for the wearers. Maybe it was a simple representation of those who crossed.
These occurances could be called residual hauntings. Residuals are usually associated with human or animal ghosts who are seen to repeat their actions over and over like a skipped record album (CD to the younger set). They aren't believed to have "intelligence" like a ghost that can answer questions or change its pattern of behavior.
More on the club on upcoming posts.
Take care. Live your life in peace.
- bethany moran
Setting Boundaries
I've been absent for a few days to devote all my efforts to the final
rewrite of my novel. This morning I completed editing and ran the spell
The ne...
16 years ago
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